Monday, November 25, 2019

242: Pumpkin Crush

Note: Audio is a little wonky in places, but should not be too disruptive.

2nd note: Zwan was a relatively short-lived band headed by Billy Corgan of Smashing Pumpkins fame.

Jeremy starts playing Oblivion and talks about. Michael is surprised that Jeremy started playing the game and more surprised that he actually made the joke segment a reality. Either way, it is good. Michael brags about having the original German eisbock, while Jeremy has a couple of saisons from Wake Brewing. Inspired by Mike's check in, Michael reports on choice pumpkin brews for this year, in a retrospective, why-didn't-we-do-that segment. Perhaps they are suggestions to think about considering the mixed/lackluster ones we had on the show. In the FDR, it's the final pumpkin beer of the year and it comes from a macrobrewery... could the answer been in front of our faces all along?

Beer in this episode: Blue Moon Harvest Pumpkin Wheat


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