Monday, January 30, 2017

095: Adequately Prepared to Rumble

Let’s get "Ready to Rumble"! On second thought, we should get another movie instead. That one is pretty bad. Michael kicks off the card with a brag about FIVE STAR brew. Jeremy faces off with a brewery that he previously was tepid on, but has now gained his approval. They then square off with a quiz about the the professional wrestling event known as the Royal Rumble. The fight continues over the FDR when a bunch of herbs and botanicals enter the ring.

Beer in this episode: Deschutes Brewery Sagefight


Monday, January 23, 2017

094: Would You Like to Play a Game?

Would you like to play a game? Because we have enough in this episode to satisfy your inner Billy the Puppet. We've got a new game called FACE, The Box Office Mojo Game, and a quiz related to the FDR. Also, the Pale Male Pail makes an appearance. Ah yes, ain't that fresh.

Beer in this episode: Karben4 Brewing Dragon Flute


Monday, January 16, 2017

093: This Bud's for Me

Jeremy and Michael take a look, in a book, a reading rainbow... a reading rainbow! No, really, they read the book Bitter Brew by William Knoedelseder, all about the rise and "fall" of the Busch family dynasty. In honor of said book, they have a beer with a legacy to match. But, you don't have to take my word for it. Bababum!

Beer in this episode: Budweiser


Monday, January 9, 2017

092: Widow's Watch

Hey, do you remember Zoboomafoo? Because Jeremy had no idea what I was talking about (see the beer brag segment for more details). Jeremy makes up for it by outclassing Michael’s Week in Geek by like 1000%. And after a fight to the death against the Machine (it’s back!), the Males take off to the Great White North this episode, trying out a Canadian classic.
Beer in this episode: Moosehead Lager


Tuesday, January 3, 2017

091: The Year in Beer 2016

Happy New Year! Happy New Beer! In this very special episode, we look back at 2016 with the first annual Draft Beer Beer Draft. We also look forward (we can do this because we have two eyes) to the future, setting some new beers resolutions and discussing the future of the podcast. Plus a special announcement from Mike. He was a good friend.
