Monday, April 6, 2020

261: Fin

Memories. A very special episode. Jeremy takes a walk down homebrew memory lane, by having what was perhaps the last Drinkenstein's Monster. Michael had a St. Bernardus Tripel. Next, we celebrate our 5th Anniversary with some stats! But then, the episode becomes even more specialer. Get ready for some classic callbacks and recollections. Hop on the lawnmower with Nic Cage and Stephen King while munching an apricot and head to the set of Cheers. There is plenty of beerosity and bourbonity  at that foodrinkery as we wait for jabroni summer. We then get back to business, starting up the FDR. What liquid surrounds the bubels in the Duvels? (see below)

Beer in this episode: Delirium Tremens
