Monday, September 30, 2019

234: Satanical Botanicals

After a seamless absence, we are back. Jeremy and Michael regale all with tales from the wedding, including a beer analysis, both financial and flavorful. Jeremy also details into his botanical booze bonanza that he received for wedding gifts. Interior crocodile alligator, Jeremy went to a new movie thee-ater. He had Stone's NEIPA, but brushes it aside to laud the new film digs. Michael teases the upcoming 1st Annual Lawn Mower Man Awards. We then get into the FDR, where a transcontinental collaboration attempts to harmonize American and German Oktoberfests. Does it succeed?

Beer in this episode: Sierra Nevada Oktoberfest


Monday, September 23, 2019

233: Blood Breakfast Harvest

An impromptu intro spurs a discussion on full "blank" breakfasts, which degenerates into drinking blood. Beer brags saves the day with Michael trying a brew innoculated with Kviek yeast. Jeremy introduces The Tailgates of Hell before describing the lupulin laden Hop Bullet that he had. We then turn to the machine for some respite. In the FDR, we go to an old classic from the old world. No, the other original old classic.

Beer in this episode: Guinness Extra Stout


Monday, September 16, 2019

232: I Am a Jelly Donut

Jeremy does a Victory Dance and sings the praises of Single Speed Brewing. Michael has an ice cream make brag instead of a beer brag. Jeremy then masterfully engages with a Simpsons quiz related to the country of origin for our beer this week. This evolves into big studio talk. Next we get into the FDR, where the APM Pod World Tour continues through Europe. Will the land of pure beer save us from the "mehs" of FDRs past?

Beer in this episode: Krombacher Dark


Monday, September 9, 2019

231: Maximum Foamerdrive

Breaking Action News! There is a beer brags desk. I repeat, there is a beer brags desk. Jeremy's been lugging it all over the globe to supply us with a beer brag. But first, trivia. Jeremy has a question that seemingly nobody that he knows has gotten 100% correct. Can you? We talk sports books before Michael proposes an experiment to get to the bottom of green bottled beers. Jeremy opines on sloshy over-foamed mugs. Then we get into the FDR, where after a history lesson, we split some hairs and pick some nits to parse a so-called French beer.

Beer in this episode: Kronenbourg 1664


Monday, September 2, 2019

230: Æbleskiver Mystery

In the much awaited sequel to Rullepølse Analogy, Jeremy explains his consumption of marshmallow flavored energy drink and ponders his caffeinated future. Then he brags about Big Eddy and some other schweppe IPAs. Michael has found the pinnacle of summer beers. The plane lands in Denmark (that bit is still going) so Jeremy shares some info on Danish delights and beard growing contests. We get into the FDR, which is a bit of a throwback as we go into the country, brewery, and beer a little more than usual, since it is our first foray into the area. Facts abound, will this European pale lager raise or furrow the brows of these malty drinking night drinkers?

Beer in this episode: Carlsberg
