Monday, November 25, 2019

242: Pumpkin Crush

Note: Audio is a little wonky in places, but should not be too disruptive.

2nd note: Zwan was a relatively short-lived band headed by Billy Corgan of Smashing Pumpkins fame.

Jeremy starts playing Oblivion and talks about. Michael is surprised that Jeremy started playing the game and more surprised that he actually made the joke segment a reality. Either way, it is good. Michael brags about having the original German eisbock, while Jeremy has a couple of saisons from Wake Brewing. Inspired by Mike's check in, Michael reports on choice pumpkin brews for this year, in a retrospective, why-didn't-we-do-that segment. Perhaps they are suggestions to think about considering the mixed/lackluster ones we had on the show. In the FDR, it's the final pumpkin beer of the year and it comes from a macrobrewery... could the answer been in front of our faces all along?

Beer in this episode: Blue Moon Harvest Pumpkin Wheat


Monday, November 18, 2019

241: Pumpkin Butter

Uh oh... secrets of the wrestling ring revealed with this ep. Wrestler X Jeremy spills all the trade secrets before bragging about Radicatz, a NEIPA. Meanwhile, Michael had Jeremy's wedding party gift beer, Snowball Saison, and brags about it. Next, we have questions for Jeremy. Does he wear a hat? Does he like Attack on Titan? An encounter with a drunk scandalous Luigi (that should have been the episode title) is revealed. Finally we get into the FDR, where high hopes might be dashed upon the rocks of the shoreline. It is hard to get the spices just right.

Beer in this episode: Lexington Brewing Kentucky Pumpkin Barrel Ale


Monday, November 11, 2019

240: Pumpkin Meat

We are doing pretty, well... well this ep. Michael recovers from a nasty nasty "brew" that he had, while Jeremy mirthfully recalls the flight he had at the Peace Tree taproom. Next, we get into a long overdue Brews News segment, focusing on Founders and then transitioning to the FDR brewery, which made its own newsworthy waves earlier in the year. Clean the biofilm from your mucus membranes, because we have another pumpkin beer to try.

Beer in this episode: Dogfish Head Punkin Ale


Monday, November 4, 2019

239: Pumpkin Flesh

We are back, both Michael and the Evergreen Jeremy. EGJ opens with a "King" brag before transitioning to the obligatory beer brag, which involves a light beer that clocks in at over 8% ABV. Michael then puts a bow on the previous month, getting into final thoughts on the Oktoberfest style and bragging about two that he had. We then switch gears, getting into a topic literally adjacent to this week's brewery... ancient pyramids hidden under a lake in Wisconsin. Michael introduces sources that go deeper and deeper down the rabbit hole. Before going mad, we escape to the FDR, kicking off an entire month of pumpkin beers! (exclaimation point)

Beer in this episode: Tyranena Painted Ladies
