Monday, August 26, 2019

229: Land of the Setting Sun

We botch the world tour again. We kick it off with some seltzer... brags? And speculate on the future of the beverage, noting some new players in the field, leading to the Akira-like growth of the marketplace. Jeremy almost falls for a 17% ABV hoax. We then get back to beer with the FDR, but is it good enough to save us from seltzer talk? What is happening to the world?

Beer in this episode: Sapporo Premium


Monday, August 19, 2019

228: Digression #5

Beer brags. After a live podcast show, Jerome has a brew that combines multiple styles and... wine grapes? Michael has another yella beer, this time a kolsch. Next, we embark on our new series, The American Pale Males World Tour. Ditching the roads of Iowa, we take flight, trying major beer brands from around the globe... or at least seemingly from around the globe. First up is Japan. Michael starts the festivities with the Big in Japan Quiz. Despite sumos, earthquakes, and movies, the digressions start. For example, did you know that Jeremy worked at ShopKo? They continue into the FDR, where a "first press" beer tries to impress.

Beer in this episode: Kirin Ichiban


Monday, August 12, 2019

227: The Great Fly Debate

A follow-up episode to Jeremy's bachelor party, Michael and Jeremy regale listeners with tales of beer brags, party buses, and breweries - specifically Thew, Quarter Barrel, Lion Bridge, and Big Grove. Michael dumps on an energy drink as it impaired him playing The Resistance. Boozy cherries and zipper flies enter the mix. We finally move on to the FDR. Within, Jeremy attempts to invent a new unit of measurement (instead of simply converting ounces into milliliters), we discuss Malort, and remember Blue Razz? It's back, in Pog form. Oh, and we also have the largest disparity in beer ratings of all time.

Beer in this episode: Deschutes Da Shootz!


Monday, August 5, 2019

226: Gimme That Wheat!

Jeremy has a grisette beer. Do you know what that is? I did not. Michael's Diet Starts Tomorrow, leading to Karben4 chat. We then talk about a revealing article written by Josh Noel on hard seltzers, which leads to griping. Then we get into the FDR, where a hefeweizen flexes its unexpected muscles.

Beer in this episode: New Glarus Dancing Man Wheat
