Tuesday, September 27, 2016

077: Blind Man Birthday Dance 2

It's a new day. It's a new generation.

While Mike retreats to his manor to tend to his new fatherly responsibilities (Congrats, Mike!) APM Pod superfan, now officially turned host, Jeremy steps in for a face-to-face recording. The show starts familiarly with Michael bragging about a brett beer and Jeremy doubling down with a Double Two-Hearted. Things get geeky, with a podcast pitch for Whistlestop and mic talk (not Mike talk). Finally, for the FDR, the Blind Man Birthday Dance returns! Each host blindly samples a beer that the other provides, with some intriguing results.

Beer in this episode: Duvel, New Belgium Brewing Heavy Melon


Tuesday, September 20, 2016

076: To Quote Vertical Horizon

After a failed attempt by Mike at a weird alternate version of the podcast, the boys jump right into Episode 76 with a few Beer Brags. Next, Michael talks about another Griffin McElroy/Polygon web series, while Mike highlights TV shows from the US and abroad. Then, a few short pieces of mail from the Pale Mailbag, and finally, the FDR: a brew from Jolly Old England that is still delivered there by horse-drawn carriage!

Beer in this episode: Samuel Smith Brewery Organic Chocolate Stout


Tuesday, September 13, 2016

075: OG Fruits

Hi there! Thanks for coming back for another week! Today's episode starts with Michael describing another unique tap for his Beer Brag, while Mike highLIGHTS a couple of DARK stouts. Next, the boys each discuss a TV show for the Week in Geek, and Mike adds in a new tech toy to his portion of the segment as well. Then, fresh off their victory against the machines, Michael decides to take the battle back to a PvP format and challenges Mike with a quiz about citrus fruits. Finally, the FDR: an oft-mentioned beer that tastes like the quiz topic, but without any actual fruit ingredients!

Beer in this episode: Deschutes Brewing Fresh Squeezed IPA


Tuesday, September 6, 2016

074: Lucky Boy

Hope everyone enjoyed their long weekend! Today's ep begins with a few more Beer Brags for Mike courtesy of Friend of the Show Doug, followed by a very highly rated Tripel that Michael sipped on recently. Next, Mike takes the Brag portion into the Week in Geek as he talks about some recent video game acquisitions, while Michael also brings the Brag with some recent geocaching accomplishments. Then, with time possibly running out for Mike to be the co-host, the boys try to emerge victorious in Mikes vs. Machine while the title of that segment is still apt! Finally, the FDR: a reincarnated version of an Indiana classic brew.

Beer in this episode: Upland Brewing Company Champagne Velvet
