Monday, May 27, 2019

216: Suggestible Imp

No taglines allowed. Michael gives a brag upon a lager, but Jeremy brings the cake (?), recalling his experience at Dark Lord Day. He casually mentions a few sweet brews he had and reveals the varient he nabbed. We then move into the final installment of Watch the Thrones, a segment Michael forgot all about. Bidding an old friend farewell, we move onto the FDR, where we have the third brew in our 2nd Spring Sampler Series. We nod to the jabronis, talk about Dyer, then recall party Thursdays of yore... all while enjoying a brew. Something about a ghost.

Beer in this episode: Stone Ghost Hammer IPA


Monday, May 20, 2019

215: Bored Ox Region

Now entering Old Man Corner, it's the APM Podcast. Jeremy goes over the Dark Lord Variants, one of which he will have by the time this airs. Leaving the ghost of future beer brags behind, we move on to the past. Michael brags about a 5-star brew he had along with the 5-star glass it was served in. Jeremy discusses a IBC barrel aged beer made with Vietnamese coffee. Since we are finally on a more contemporary schedule, we talk Avengers Endgame. Then we get into the FDR, where we decide if this is delicious.

Beer in this episode: Stone Delicious IPA


Monday, May 13, 2019

214: Sample Harder

After a hiatus that you may have not even known about, we are back. Jeremy, the apt pupil, gets sidetracked into talking about Stephen King. Then we smash cut to beer brags, where Michael discusses the Korean beer industry. Jeremy ponders other international scenes with Michael, before bringing it back stateside with a brag from Reunion, right in his own back yard. Jeremy podcast pitches Disgraceland. Finally, it is time for the FDR, where we introduce the sequel to the Spring Sampler Series, Sample Harder.

Beer in this episode: Stone Tangerine Express IPA


Monday, May 6, 2019

213: The Goose Swan Song

If they catch us, we all going to die! Imagine that, but cheerful. That is what Jeremy brings to the table. Michael notes his Trap 8 experiment is taking off. Jeremy hears the Goose Song of Honker's Ale. Then we take an attempt at a quiz about beer. Yes, beer. Finally, it is time for the FDR and the last brew in this round of the Spring Sampler Series. We also discuss the L.O.P. and the pack as a whole.

Beer in this episode: Left Hand Juicy Goodness
