Monday, March 27, 2017

103: The Pirate Cannon

Join us for a face-to-face recording right by the Mississippi River. We talk dubbels and coconut beers, review a quiz about pirates, then switch over to the Find, Drink, Rate (FDR) segment of the show. Keep an ear out for the cannon that startles us during the episode.

Beer in this episode: Piraat


Monday, March 20, 2017

102: That Statue of the Boy Peeing

We kick it off bragging about beers, which leads to alleged jape throwing and memories of European travels. Jeremy learns of Manneken Pis, much to his surprise. From there, the memories flow like sands through the hour glass (so are the days of our lives) because we reminiscence about 90s childhood PC gaming. We stop ourselves before diving too deep, so that we may proceed with the FDR.

Beer in this episode: Lagunitas Pils


Monday, March 13, 2017

101: Fear the Green Beer

By all reports, this should be our St. Patrick's Day episode and while we do get into SPD a little bit, we have our sights set on other objectives this episode. Scientific objectives. Like, what happens when this beer warms up? What is making this taste so poorly? If we dye it green, will that do anything? Join us as we explore the obvious on this episode of American Pale Males.

Beer in this episode: Steel Reserve


Monday, March 6, 2017

100: Barnburner

It is our 100th episode! Looks like we made it! I guess so anyway. Michael says "barnburner" too much in this episode, which is why it is also the title. We also have lots of segments packed into this one, including beer brags, the Week in Geek, Part 2 of Jeremy on the Aisle: The Oscars, a convoluted quiz segment, and of course the FDR, which is long and drawn out. The beer deserves it though, because it is a good one, worthy of our 100th episode. What could it be? Listen in and find out... or just read the next line that tells you what the beer is.

Beer in this episode: Trappistes Rochefort 10
